Our personal health and wellness are so important during this time. The balance between proper nutrition and exercise is vital now for our physical and emotional well-being. Good health leads to increased productivity, better performance, less stress, as well as a more positive emotional state. I have included a few free links to some resources to help you in different areas. I will add to this page as I find more freebies, interesting articles, fun facts, quotes etc. If you see something you like and think would be helpful or relevant, please email me and I will look into adding it.
Here is a link to the BC Government website where they share a variety of links to programs offered for students to support their social and emotional well-being.
Yoga'Do Yoga with Me' provides online yoga classes for free right now and they have a 7 day challenge for April. Worth a try!! Nothing to lose. Click the link below.
exerciseThe App Active (by Popsugar) is being offered for free at this time. It has a wide variety of different exercise workouts and bonus it has yoga as well!